Current affairs in hindi||important current affairs
Current affairs in hindi||important current affairs
🎤 Current Affairs in Hindi
नेपाल में काठमांडू घाटी तथा उसके साथ लगे कई बड़े निजी स्कूलों ने अपने विद्यार्थियों के लिये यह भाषा सीखना अनिवार्य कर दिया है – मंदारिन
हाल ही में किस देश की महिला क्रिकेट टीम ने टी-20 में सबसे अधिक स्कोर अर्जित करने का रिकॉर्ड अपने नाम किया – युगांडा
नीति आयोग द्वारा हाल ही में जारी एक रिपोर्ट में जिस वर्ष तक भारत के 21 शहरों में जलस्तर की कमी होने की बात कही गई है – 2020
वह राज्य सरकार जिसने वरिष्ठ नागरिक तीर्थ यात्रा योजना के तहत बुजुर्गों को मुफ्त में तीर्थ यात्रा कराने की घोषणा की है – राजस्थान
वह स्थान जहां लोमड़ी जैसी दिखने वाली बिल्ली Cat Fox की एक नई प्रजाति पाई गई है - उत्तरी कॉर्सिका
बेसल कमेटी ऑन बैंक सुपरविजन (बीसीबीएस) के प्रतिवेदन के अनुसार, आरबीआई ने इन मानदंडों द्वारा निर्धारित कठिन आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने में कमी की है - बेसल III.
संयुक्त राष्ट्र की ‘वर्ल्ड पॉपुलेशन प्रॉस्पेक्ट्स 2019’ के अनुसार, भारत इस वर्ष तक सबसे अधिक आबादी वाला देश बनेगा - 2027.
सेंटर फॉर द स्टडी ऑफ डेवलपिंग सोसाइटीज (सीएसडीएस) के एक सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार, दुनिया का सबसे कमजोर पुलिस बल यह देश में है - भारत.
सेंटर फॉर द स्टडी ऑफ डेवलपिंग सोसाइटीज (सीएसडीएस) के एक सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार, एकमात्र पुलिस बल वाला राज्य, जो वैश्विक मानकों को पूरा करता है - पंजाब
नीति आयोग ने प्रस्ताव दिया है कि इस वर्ष के बाद भारत में केवल इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों को बेचा जाना चाहिए - 2030
प्रतिरोध को रोकने के लिए एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं के सुरक्षित उपयोग के लिए विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) द्वारा शुरू किया गया एक उपक्रम – AWaRe.
इन संस्थानों के वैज्ञानिकों ने अधिक शक्तिशाली एंथ्रेक्स वैक्सीन विकसित की है - रक्षा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन (DRDO) और जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय (JNU).
विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) – स्थापना वर्ष: 1948; मुख्यालय: जेनेवा (स्विट्जरलैंड).
भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक (RBI) – स्थापना वर्ष: 1935; मुख्यालय: मुंबई (महाराष्ट्र).
भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक के पहले गवर्नर - सर ओस्बोर्न स्मिथ (1935 - 1937).
संयुक्त राष्ट्र (यूएन) – स्थापना वर्ष: 1945; मुख्यालय: न्यूयॉर्क (अमरीका).
केन्द्रीय खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग मंत्री हरसिमरत कौर बादल ने हाल ही में घोषणा की है कि वर्ल्ड फ़ूड इंडिया 2019 का आयोजन नई दिल्ली के विज्ञान भवन तथा राजपथ लॉन में किया जायेगा। वर्ल्ड फ़ूड इंडिया का आयोजन 1 से 4 नवम्बर, 2019 के बीच किया जाएगा।
मुख्य बिंदु
वर्ल्ड फ़ूड इंडिया 2019 में भारत के खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग में निवेश के अवसरों पर चर्चा की जायेगी। भारतीय खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग में विस्तार के काफी अवसर है, गौरतलब है कि भारत के खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग में 11% की वृद्धि हुई है जो कि वैश्विक दर से दोगुनी है।
वर्ल्ड फ़ूड इंडिया 2019
यह वर्ल्ड फ़ूड इंडिया का दूसरा संस्करण होगा, इस वर्ष खाद्य प्रसंस्करण मंत्रालय ने कम से कम 15 देशों के साथ पार्टनरशिप करना का लक्ष्य रखा है तथा इसमें 80 देश हिस्सा ले सकते हैं। इस इवेंट में कई उच्च स्तरीय सेमिनार व सत्र आयोजित किये जायेंगे।
भारत में एक विशाल घरेलु बाज़ार है तथा कृषि उत्पादन भी काफी होता है। परन्तु भारत में प्रसंस्करण केवल 7.7% है जो कि चीन, मलेशिया तथा अमेरिका से काफी कम है। विश्व के किये जाने वाले खाद्य प्रसंस्करण में भारत की हिस्सेदारी केवल 2% है। भारत में खाद्यान्न के नष्ट होने की दर को कम करने तथा 2022 तक किसानों की आय को दोगुना करने के लिए खाद्य प्रसंस्करण को बढ़ावा देने की आवश्यकता है।
🎤 Current Affairs in Hindi
बाघों की जनगणना रिपोर्ट 2018 के अनुसार भारत के जिस राज्य में सबसे अधिक बाघ मौजूद हैं- मध्य प्रदेश
पाकिस्तान के जिस इलाके में मौजूद 1,000 साल पुराना शवाला तेजा सिंह मंदिर बंटवारे के बाद पहली बार पूजा के लिए खोला गया है- सियालकोट
केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने जिस शहर में यूपी इन्वेस्टर्स समिट (UP Investors Summit) के दूसरे ग्राउंड ब्रेकिंग सेरेमनी का उद्घाटन किया- लखनऊ
हाल ही में इटली के जिस सक्रिय ज्वालामुखी से लावा और धुआँ निकलने के कारण वहाँ का जन-जीवन प्रभावित हुआ- माउंट एटना
जिस भारतीय सैंड आर्टिस्ट को अमेरिका के प्रतिष्ठित 'सैंड स्कल्पटिंग फेस्टिवल' 2019 (Sand Sculpting Festival 2019) में 'पीपुल्स चॉइस अवार्ड' से सम्मानित किया गया- सुदर्शन पटनायक
वह देश जिसकी सेना ने युद्ध में बेहतर प्रदर्शन और दुश्मन पर त्वरित आक्रमण करने की अपनी क्षमता में वृद्धि करने के लिये ‘पहले एकीकृत युद्ध समूह (Integrated Battle Groups)’ का गठन करने का फैसला किया है- भारतीय सेना
• विश्व भर में प्रसिद्ध जिस राज्य में पाए जाने वाले मकराना के संगमरमर को विश्व विरासत (Global Heritage) सूची में शामिल किया गया है- राजस्थान
Kathmandu Valley in Nepal and many big private schools adjoining it have made it mandatory for their students to learn this language - Mandarin
Recently which country's women's cricket team holds the record for the highest score in T20 - Uganda
In a recently released report by NITI Aayog, the year by which there is a lack of water level in 21 cities of India - 2020
The state government that has announced a free pilgrimage for the elderly under the Senior Citizen Pilgrimage Scheme - Rajasthan
The place where a new species of cat fox resembling fox has been found - Northern Corsica
According to the report of Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS), RBI has reduced to meet the tough requirements laid down by these criteria - Basel III.
According to United Nations 'World Population Prospects 2019', India will remain the most populous country by this year - 2027.
According to a survey by the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), the world's weakest police force is in the country - India.
According to a survey by the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), the only police force state that meets global standards - Punjab
NITI Aayog has proposed that only electric vehicles should be sold in India after this year - 2030
AWaRe - a venture started by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the safe use of antibiotics to prevent resistance.
Scientists at these institutes have developed more powerful anthrax vaccines - Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
World Health Organization (WHO) - Establishment Year: 1948; Headquarters: Geneva (Switzerland).
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) - Year of Establishment: 1935; Headquarters: Mumbai (Maharashtra).
First Governor of Reserve Bank of India - Sir Osborne Smith (1935 - 1937).
United Nations (UN) - Year of Establishment: 1945; Headquarters: New York (USA).
Union Food Processing Industries Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal has recently announced that World Food India 2019 will be organized at Vigyan Bhawan and Rajpath Lawn in New Delhi. World Food India will be organized from November 1 to 4, 2019.
main point
Investment opportunities in India's food processing industry will be discussed at World Food India 2019. The Indian food processing industry has great opportunities for expansion, significantly increasing India's food processing industry by 11% which is double the global rate.
World Food India 2019
This will be the second edition of World Food India, this year the Ministry of Food Processing has targeted to partner with at least 15 countries and 80 countries can participate in it. Many high level seminars and sessions will be organized in this event.
India has a huge domestic market and agricultural production is also considerable. But processing in India is only 7.7% which is much less than China, Malaysia and USA. India accounts for only 2% of the world's food processing. There is a need to promote food processing in India to reduce the rate of loss of food grains and double the income of farmers by 2022.
🎤 Current Affairs in Hindi
According to the tiger census report 2018, which state of India has the most tigers - Madhya Pradesh
The area in Pakistan where the 1,000-year-old Shawala Teja Singh temple has been opened for worship for the first time after the partition- Sialkot
Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the second ground breaking ceremony of UP Investors Summit in the city - Lucknow
Recently, the active volcano of Italy affected the life of the people due to the release of lava and smoke - Mount Etna
The Indian Sand Artist who was awarded the 'People's Choice Award' at the prestigious 'America's Sand Sculpting Festival 2019' - Sudarshan Patnaik
The country whose army has decided to form the first 'Integrated Battle Groups' to improve its performance in war and increase its ability to attack the enemy quickly - Indian Army
• The state of the world famous Makrana marble has been included in the list of World Heritage- Rajasthan
Recently the Uttar Pradesh Assembly passed the Private Universities Bill, 2019, which aims to bring all the private universities in the state under the same law -27
Recently, the country which will invest about $ 4 billion to set up at least four Tesla-style Gigafactories for battery production - India
The Supreme Court has now amended the rules and directed to provide free legal aid to the people with annual income of Rs.
Recently which country's women's cricket team holds the record for the highest score in T20 - Uganda
In a recently released report by NITI Aayog, the year by which there is a lack of water level in 21 cities of India - 2020
The state government that has announced a free pilgrimage for the elderly under the Senior Citizen Pilgrimage Scheme - Rajasthan
The place where a new species of cat fox resembling fox has been found - Northern Corsica
According to the report of Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS), RBI has reduced to meet the tough requirements laid down by these criteria - Basel III.
According to United Nations 'World Population Prospects 2019', India will remain the most populous country by this year - 2027.
According to a survey by the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), the world's weakest police force is in the country - India.
According to a survey by the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), the only police force state that meets global standards - Punjab
NITI Aayog has proposed that only electric vehicles should be sold in India after this year - 2030
AWaRe - a venture started by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the safe use of antibiotics to prevent resistance.
Scientists at these institutes have developed more powerful anthrax vaccines - Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
World Health Organization (WHO) - Establishment Year: 1948; Headquarters: Geneva (Switzerland).
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) - Year of Establishment: 1935; Headquarters: Mumbai (Maharashtra).
First Governor of Reserve Bank of India - Sir Osborne Smith (1935 - 1937).
United Nations (UN) - Year of Establishment: 1945; Headquarters: New York (USA).
Union Food Processing Industries Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal has recently announced that World Food India 2019 will be organized at Vigyan Bhawan and Rajpath Lawn in New Delhi. World Food India will be organized from November 1 to 4, 2019.
main point
Investment opportunities in India's food processing industry will be discussed at World Food India 2019. The Indian food processing industry has great opportunities for expansion, significantly increasing India's food processing industry by 11% which is double the global rate.
World Food India 2019
This will be the second edition of World Food India, this year the Ministry of Food Processing has targeted to partner with at least 15 countries and 80 countries can participate in it. Many high level seminars and sessions will be organized in this event.
India has a huge domestic market and agricultural production is also considerable. But processing in India is only 7.7% which is much less than China, Malaysia and USA. India accounts for only 2% of the world's food processing. There is a need to promote food processing in India to reduce the rate of loss of food grains and double the income of farmers by 2022.
🎤 Current Affairs in Hindi
According to the tiger census report 2018, which state of India has the most tigers - Madhya Pradesh
The area in Pakistan where the 1,000-year-old Shawala Teja Singh temple has been opened for worship for the first time after the partition- Sialkot
Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the second ground breaking ceremony of UP Investors Summit in the city - Lucknow
Recently, the active volcano of Italy affected the life of the people due to the release of lava and smoke - Mount Etna
The Indian Sand Artist who was awarded the 'People's Choice Award' at the prestigious 'America's Sand Sculpting Festival 2019' - Sudarshan Patnaik
The country whose army has decided to form the first 'Integrated Battle Groups' to improve its performance in war and increase its ability to attack the enemy quickly - Indian Army
• The state of the world famous Makrana marble has been included in the list of World Heritage- Rajasthan
Recently the Uttar Pradesh Assembly passed the Private Universities Bill, 2019, which aims to bring all the private universities in the state under the same law -27
Recently, the country which will invest about $ 4 billion to set up at least four Tesla-style Gigafactories for battery production - India
The Supreme Court has now amended the rules and directed to provide free legal aid to the people with annual income of Rs.
Current affairs in hindi||important current affairs
Reviewed by NEXT EXAM
August 18, 2019
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