General science question in hindi

General science question in hindi

🔮 Physics 🔮

1. Oil goes up in the lamp light, because - due to capillary action

2. Why does the needle float above the water? - Page tension

3. The reason why the hair of the saving brush sticks together when it comes out of the water? - Page tension

4. The reason for the shape of a drop of fluid to be spherical? - Page tension

5. If the length of the pendulum is reduced to four times, then the time of pendulum swing? - is doubled

6.What is the working principle of washing machines? -Center

7. In a lift, the direct weight of a person is less than the actual load, when the lift is going? - down with acceleration

8. The iron needle sinks in the water but the ship floats, based on what principle? - Orchimedes' theory

9. A piece of ice is floating in a glass of water, when ice melts, what will be the effect on the level of tenacity water? - will remain high

10. In the state of weightlessness, a candle flame will come? - will remain the same

11. Whose unit is not a newton-meter?

12. On heating an object, the speed of its molecules? - will increase.

13. Isn't a unit of heat? - degree Celsius

14. When water falls from a height, its temperature increases?

15. Where will it take more time to cook rice? - Mount Everest

16. The temperature at which ice, water and vapor remain in equilibrium is called?

17. The temperature of a liquid due to evaporation will decrease?

18. The following engines are applied? - Rocket technology

19. What is the cause of diffusion of light in the atmosphere?

20. Does the sky look blue? - Due to scattering

1. How many colors does the rainbow show? - 7

What is the reason for becoming 2 mirage? - Full internal reflection

3. Full internal reflection occurs when light goes out - from diamond to glass

4 Due to which virtue, a stick immersed in a vessel filled with water appears to be bent? - Refraction

5. When does solar eclipse occur? - Pratipada

6. Who first knew the velocity of light? - Roemer

7. The occurrence of polarization in light proves that there are light waves? - Similar to both wave and particle

8. The velocity of light is maximum? - in vacuum

9. The speed of light increases with the increase in temperature of the medium?

10. Which part of the sun is visible at the time of solar eclipse?

11. What type of wave is a light wave? - Transverse wave

12. Is decibel? - Measurement of a sound level

13. Sonar is used mostly? - by navigators

14. Boiling point of liquid due to impurities? - increases

15. Can the room be cooled? - by releasing the compressed gas

16. Which concept confirms the first law of thermodynamics? - Energy conservation

17. Diamond looks shiny? - Due to collective internal reflection

18. Which metal is not attracted by magnet? - Bismuth

19. is the unit of magnetic flux? - Weber

20. The recursive stream is converted into a direct current? - Decisive or Expulsive or Rectifier

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1. What is the main ingredient of honey?

* - Fructose *

2. Whose unit is the kilowatt hour?

* - Energy *

3. Is digestive acid?

* - HCL *

4. How many representatives of the Anglo-Indian community can the President nominate to the Lok Sabha?

*-- two*

5. On what basis are seats allotted in Lok Sabha?

* - Based on Population *

6. The allocation of seats for each state in the current Lok Sabha is based on

* - On 1971 census *

7. Which protrin is in milk?

* - Renin *

8. Which state sends the most representatives to the Lok Sabha?

*--Uttar Pradesh*

9. What is the pH of an alkali solution?

* Over 7 *

10. Number of Lok Sabha members in which state

Is the lowest?

* - Nagaland, Sikkim and Mizoram *

11. What is lipid?

* - Aster *

12. Non-metal is the conductor of heat and power?

* - Graphite *

13. Whose Transformation is this?

* - Prankur *

14. Whose ore is siderite?


15. Who can dissolve the Lok Sabha?

* - On the advice of the President, Prime Minister *

16. What is the main ingredient of honey?

* - Fructose *

17. Is uranium found on Earth?

* - U-238 *

18. Who gave the law of attachment?

* - Galileo *

19. Who decides the questions related to disqualification of members of Lok Sabha?


20. Who has discovered inert gases?

* - Ramzai *

21. What is the resistance of open fuze?

* - infinite *

22. How many days does the membership of a member of the Lok Sabha cease to be absent?

*--2 month*

23. Which Pradath is the superlative fluid?

* - Ammonia *

24. What is the viscosity of a fluid when it rises?

*--happens to*

General science question in hindi General science question in hindi Reviewed by NEXT EXAM on August 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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