Science question and answer in hindi

 Science question and answer in hindi

*कुछ महत्वपूर्ण खोज* 

1: - Gaiger Muller Counters: - Hanes Geiger

2: - Motorcycle: - Edward Butler

3: - Printing Press: -J. Gutenberg

4: - Telescope: - Hansa Liparshay

5: - Teleprinter: -Emile Wendot and John George Halasek

6: - Short hand (modern): - Sir Isaac Pitman

7: - Microscope: -Z Janssen

8: - Heart Lung Machine: - SO. Denis Melrose

9: - Lesser: - Charles Town

10: - Paper Photography: -W. H. Focus Tarothers

11: - Bicyclic: -K. Macmillan

12: - Glider: - George Calle

13: - Computer: - Charles Babbage

14: - sextant: -compel

15: - Stainless Steel: - Harry Briarly

16: a. C. Motor: -Nicola Tesla

17: --Aroplane: -Right Bandhu

18: - Centigrate scale: -A. Celsius

19: - Gobar Gas Plant: - Dr. C. B. Desai

20: - Car (internal combustion): - Samuel Brown

21: - Nylon: -W. H. Carothers

22: - Cinematograph: - Thomas Alva Esiason

23: - Helicopter: - Etienne Ohmisen

24: - Refrigerator: -J. Harrison and A. Catalim

25: - Car (Petrol): - Karl Benz

26: - Tractor: - Robert Formich

27: - Chronometer: -John Harrison

28: - Safety Pin: - William Hurst

29: - Child Point Pen: - C. Biro

30: - DC Motor: - Genebo Grambe

31: - Film (silent movie): -Luili Prince

32: - Safety Lamp: - Sir Humphrey Daley

33: - Television: -John Logie Baird

34: - Turbine Ship: - Sir Charles Parcells

35: - Film (film): - J, Mussauli and H. Bagat

36: - Radio: -G. Marconi

37: - Film (soundtrack): - Ellie de Forrest

38: - Electric Fan: - Wheeler

39: - Bicycle Tire: -J. B. Dunlop

40: - Electric lap: - Thomas Alva Edison

41: - Steel Production: - Henry Bessemer

42: - Radium: - Marie and Pierre Curie

43: - Neon Lap: -G. Marconi

44: - Typewriters: -C. Sholes

45: - Transformer: - Michael Faraday

46: - Gramophone: -Toms Alva Edison

47: - Carburetor: - Gottlieb Daimler

48: - Telegram Code: -Samualef. B Morse

49: - Lift: -Elisha Graxie Otis

50: - Evolution Theory: -Charles Darwin

* General Knowledge Questions *

▶ * 1 - What is the chemical name of Alum? *

पोट - Potassium Aluminum Sulfate * (K2SO4Al2 (SO4) 3 24H2O) *

2. * 2. - What is the chemical name of Chile Saltpetre? *

सोडियम - Sodium Nitrate - Sodium Nitrate * (NaNO3) *

▶ * 3.– What is the chemical name of icing? *

✅ - Borax - Borax * (Na2B4O7. 10H2O) *

4. * 4.- What is the chemical name of Blue Vitriol or Tutia? *

✅ - Copper Sulphate - Copper Sulphate * (CuSO4. 5H2O) *

▶ * 5.– What is the chemical name of White Vitriol? *

✅ - Zinc Sulphate - Zinc Sulphate * (ZnSO4) *

6 * 6 - What is the chemical name of Green Vitriol? *

फेर - Ferrous Sulphate - Ferrous Sulphate * (FeSO4. 7H2O) *

7 * 7 - What is the chemical name of bud lime? *

कैल्शियम - Calcium Oxide - Calcium Oxide * (CaO) *

▶ * 8. What is the chemical name of slaked lime? *

कैल्शियम– Calcium Hydroxide - Calcium Hydroxide

* (Ca (OH) 2) *

▶ * 9 - What is the chemical name of cinabar? *

✅ Mercuric Sulphide - Mercuric Sulphite * (HgS) *

10. * 10.– What is the chemical name of saltpetre? *

✅ Potassium Nitrate - Potassium Nitrate * (KNO3) *

11. * 11.- What is the chemical name of nitre acid? *

✅ Nitric Acid - Nitric Acid * (HNO3) *

12. * 12.- What is the chemical name of the acid of salt? *

✅ Hydrochloric Acid - Hydrochloric Acid * (HCl) *

13. * 13.– What is the chemical name of sulfur acid? *

✅ Sulfuric Acid - Sulfuric Acid * (H2SO4) *

14. * 14.– What is the chemical name of Nushadir salt? *

✅ Ammonium Chloride - Ammounium Chloride * (NH4Cl) *

15. * 15.– What is the chemical name of Galena? *

✅ Lead Sulfide - Lead Sulfide * (PbS) *

16. * 16.– T.N. What is the chemical name of T.N.T. *

✅ Tri Nitrotolvine - Tri Nitrotoulene * (C6H2CH3 (NO2) 3) *

17. * 17.– What is the chemical name of Caustic Potash? *

✅ Petassium High Droxide - Potassium Hydroxide * (KOH) *

18. * 18. - What is the chemical name of salt cake? *

✅ Sodium Sulphate - Sodium Sulphate * (Na2SO4) *

19. * 19.- What is the chemical name of Globar salts? *

✅ Sodium Sulphate - Sodium Sulphate * (Na2SO4. 10H2O) *

20. * 20.- What is the chemical name of sand? *

✅ Silicon Oxide - Silicon Oxide * (SiO2) *

21. * 21. - What is the chemical name of White Potash? *

✅ Potassium Chlorate - Potassium Chlorate * (KClO3) *

22. * 22.– China White Rasa
Science question and answer in hindi Science question and answer in hindi Reviewed by NEXT EXAM on August 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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